About Animalethics.net

Animalethics.net aims to share insights and reflections regarding animal ethics and animal welfare. The webpage contains recent academic papers and other academic publications which as far as possible are made available in an open access format.

The people and institutions behind Animalethics.net find it important that ethical views regarding animal use are discussed. The aim is to invite our readers to reflect and in the end make up their own mind. Thus the site is non-partisan and strongly committed to a pluralist approach to animal ethics.

The content of Animalethics.net will expand continuously as more publications are uploaded to the site. New material will feature on the front page and under New publications.

Animalethics.net has been developed under the auspices of the Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO), University of Copenhagen.

The key persons in charge of Animalethics.net are:  

Portrait Peter SandøePeter Sandøe is a professor of bioethics at the University of Copenhagen. He  was educated at the University of Copenhagen (MA in philosophy 1984) and at the University of Oxford (D.Phil. in philosophy 1988)

Mail: pes@sund.ku.dk

More information about Peter Sandøe

Sara Vincentzen Kondrup

Sara Kondrup holds a Master of Business Economics and Philosophy at Copenhagen Business School and is currently a PhD fellow at the Department of Food and Resource Economics at the University of Copenhagen.

Mail: sak@ifro.ku.dk

More information about Sara Kondrup