Benchmark for animal welfare

Since 2018, a group of researchers from the University of Copenhagen has worked on developing a new method for estimating animal welfare at national level within the key animal species in Danish animal production. Using this method, it is possible to compare the aggregated effect of different animal welfare initiatives, both legislative and market-driven, within each animal species across different countries. At the same time, it is possible to compare the level of animal welfare both in relation to national production as well as national consumption.
So far, the method has been applied to pigs, broilers and dairy cattle in five countries: Denmark, the Netherlands, the UK, Sweden, and Germany.
On this site, a general introduction to the Benchmark method is given, and results with regard to pigs, broilers and dairy cattle for the five countries in 2022 are presented.
Recent publications

The results presented here originate from a number of projects financed by the Danish Knowledge Center for Animal Welfare (webpage in Danish), the latest of which is: 'Establishing a Benchmark tool for ongoing monitoring of the welfare of pigs, broiler chicken and dairy cattle in Denmark and four comparable European countries' (description in Danish).
Period: 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022
Senior researchers
Involved senior researchers in Benchmark for animal welfare from the University of Copenhagen:
Tove Christensen
Björn Forkman
Henning Otte Hansen
Søren Saxmose Nielsen
Peter Sandøe