Benchmark for broiler chickens 2022

Most important messages from the figure

  1. There are cross-country differences in opportunities for good welfare offered to broilers chickens. The higher the Benchmark value, the better the opportunities. Denmark is at placed in the middle, both in terms of national production and national consumption of chicken meat. Sweden does better in terms of both production and consumption, while the Netherlands do better in terms of consumption.
  2. Market-driven initiatives have had a relatively large effect on the Benchmark values in some of countries. This becomes clear when comparing Sweden and the Netherlands. In Sweden, legislation is fairly extensive in ensuring broiler welfare in national production. In the Netherlands, on the other hand, market-driven initiatives have resulted in a Benchmark value for national production above the EU requirement. Moreover, the Benchmark value for national consumption is higher than in Sweden. Due to these market-driven initiatives, all fresh chicken meat sold in Dutch supermarkets stem from slower growing broilers. The situation in Denmark resembles the situation in Sweden. In Denmark, relatively high legislative standards combined with nationally produced welfare broilers are counteracted by the imports of very cheap chicken meat produced with lower animal welfare standards.
  3. Market-driven initiatives and collaboration between key stakeholders in a country make it possible to reach a relatively high level for both production and national consumption. In terms of production, this is illustrated well in the following figure which shows the relative impact of legislation and market-driven initiatives on national production.









Recent publications: Benchmarking broiler chickens